Tuesday, May 21, 2013

a cool trip

      I really liked the Air and Space Museum. I like it because the flight simulator and I did it with Alex. I kept spinning around and around and there was a button if you touch it, it will turn off the ride and Alex told  me to push the button and I said no.

    Also, I enjoyed Natural History Museum. I saw the mammoth and it was so big. I saw the hope diamond and it was so cool and the titan-boa and it is 48 feet and it is 3 feet wide that is so big and I saw the rock and minerals.

     Finally, I thought the wax museum was awesome. I saw all the presidents and I did a wax hand. He put me hand in cold water for five min then he put me hand in wax hot wax and in the cold water and then he got off. It was so cool.

                                                               THE END

Monday, April 15, 2013

If I was in charge of field day I would put doge ball and paint ball. I put doge ball because me and my friends are good at doge ball. Me and my friends are good at doge ball because we can throw the ball fast. Also because me and my friends would win all the time. This is why I would put doge ball in field day.

I would put paint ball because it is the most funest thing ever. It is so much wen people are shooting at you wen you are running away from them. Wan you get hit by a paint ball it hearts a lot it fells like a bee sting. It is so much fun wan you are the last people because if you are the last people you win. That is why I would put paint ball in field day.

                                                    THE END

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


30A is a great place to visit. First of all, 30A is a great place to visit bacouse there is great surf. Another reason 30A is fantastic is the tasty restaurants.

     The surf is good when there are hurricanes about to come because the waves get about four and a haft feat. The surf is good also because the waves are very clean is when the waves are not crashing really fast. Also the surf is good because the waves are not choppy is when waves are very close together.

 30A is a great place to visit also because the restaurants. The restaurants are great like bare foot BBQ it is the best BBQ on 30a P.S. I think it is to. Also you got to get a grilled chess at the melt down in sea side it is the best grilled chess ever. You got to get the sushi at the old Florida house it is the most best sushi ever.

This is Wye you need to come to visit 30a and don't forget to stop by la vie est belle in sea side.

Monday, April 8, 2013

If I could travel to the past for a day. It would be wen I got my surfboard I was 8 years old. It was on B day it was on the beach and that is when I caught my first wave. It was the best day of my life because it feels like you floating on water. That day I went surfing with my friend Thomas at grayton beach.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Independent Summary: burger battle

I read Burger Battles. They were fighting about who made the first burger. These are the states that are fighting America, New York, Connecticut, Texas, and Wisconsin. Americans eat 14 billion burgers a year.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Beach

The beach is my favorite place in the world. It is like it is a part of me because I can surf and skim board. When my friends are there it is so much more fun and we play tag,surf, and skim. When we have grill outs it is the most fun in the world. That is why I like the beach so much.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Main idea 1:Surfing is amazing.
Proof (1): Surfing it is like you are floating on the water.
Proof (2): The moment you catch the wave that adrenaline rush that makes you keep on going.    
Illustration or research point (has a time word and research example): Once I almost drowned but it did not stop my passion for surfing.
Conclusion (say your main idea again in a different and more interesting way) These is the reasons I think surfing is part of my life.

Surfing is amazing.Surfing it is like you are floating on the water. The moment you catch the wave that adrenaline rush that makes you keep on going.  Once I almost drowned but it did not stop my passion for surfing. These is the reasons I think surfing is part of my life.